Fees & charges from 1st April 2024



Loan charges


CDs single £1.66 3 week loan
CD sets £3.16 3 week loan
Audio books £2.14 3 week loan
Language courses £2.68 3 week loan
DVDs £3.16 1 week loan
DVDs children's / educational £1.99 1 week loan












Overdue charges for late return


Books - adult members 32p per day
Books - child members £0.00 per day
Books - concessions 21p per day
CDs 32p per day
Audio books 32p per day
Language courses 32p per day
DVDs £1.28 per day
DVDs children's / educational 86p  per day

















Reservation charges


Items available in Harrow or The Libraries Consortium Free
Items not available within the TLC and supplied via inter-library loan £6.00
British Library requests £21.90
Copy of journals or periodicals £9.60
Music score sets within Harrow £20.40
Music score sets via inter-library loan £31.50












Lost items


Lost library card - adults £3.05
Lost library card - children £1.35
Lost library stock Current replacement cost



Printing & Copying service


Black & White A4 per side 27p
Black & White A3 per side 54p
Colour A4 per side 64p
Colour A3 per side £1.18









Use of public computers and scanning facilities


Public computer  First 2 hours Free
Public computer After 2 hours: per hour £3.10
Public computer After 2 hours - concessions: per hour £1.80
Use of scanning facilities Per session £1.15









Activities and events

Many activities and events in Harrow Libraries are free. There are a small number which may be chargeable – this will be advised in advance of booking.


Craft activities - library member £1.98
Craft activities - non-library member £2.68
Author talks - library member £2.03
Author talks - non-library member £4.12
Local History talks - library member £4.12
Local History talks - non-library member £6.69
Specialist talks Variable
LEGO clubs - library member £3.37
LEGO clubs - non-library member £5.46












Room Hire Charges


Stanmore / Wealdstone meeting room and School exhibition room
Room hire per hour - business rate £41.95
Room hire per hour - general rate £29.20
Room hire per hour - concessions, charitable organisations and community groups £14.35
Room hire per hour - outside of library opening hours £58.65












Greenhill large meeting room / Stanmore Studio
Room hire per hour - business rate £48.15
Room hire per hour - general rate £34.75
Room hire per hour - concessions, charitable organisations and community groups £17.35
Room hire per hour - outside of library opening hours £66.35












Exhibition space hire at Stanmore and Wealdstone Libraries
Hirer has own Public Liability Insurance 2 weeks hire £52.45
Hirer requires Public Liability Insurance 2 weeks hire £57.25





You can download a copy of the fees and charges here