Harrow libraries terms of use


Borrowing items


It is free to join Harrow Libraries. The Library Authority provides facilities for borrowing range of items by current holders of a valid LLC library card.


See the complete terms and conditions policy here.

Using our internet services


The Harrow Library Network provides access to Internet resources in libraries. This is in accordance with our mission to provide opportunities for learning and living to library users.


Internet access is free and is available to all. Users who are not library members must produce adequate identification (passport, driving licence, ID card etc.) on first use and will be issued with a user card to be shown on future occasions. Library members must have their membership upgraded before using the Internet.


See the complete acceptable use policy here.

Harrow libraries GDPR privacy notice


The privacy notice broadly explains what information we collect in order to deliver library services to you. It explains the purpose for processing categories of personal information, and who we may share it with. 


See the privacy notice here

Hiring a room or exhibition space


Harrow libraries have a range of rooms for hire as well as exhibition space in three libraries.


See the terms and conditions of hire here


Cookie Policy


See the Cookie Consent Policy here